I've got a loose connection with my bulb
Just before Xmas, I managed a pitstop night over to visit Sarah, an old friend who wasn’t in Bude for long, but in that time we made a great connection.
Now living in Bath when I asked her if she would make one of her seaweed lampshades for me, she said yes but only if I came to visit and collect it in person. It was a perfect time to visit and finish some christmas shopping whilst taking in a bit of Bath. We slotted back together immediately; we have a similar eye for things, but unlike me, I’m quietly jealous of her ability to be unaware of time and the general semi organised untidiness which she lives in.
A dolls house strapped to the wall has her mugs in it , old seventies corner cabinets are laiden with her collected treasures, the squashy collapsing chairs and sofas are soften by velvet covers and ticking . Nothing matches but all lives happily together in a mutual tone of cosiness and warmth with the two cats, Moth and Watermill. IT IS Sarah’s ‘Hygge’.
After a whistle stop tour of Baths finest architectural landmarks, we did a spot of shopping, drank the sulphurous waters of Bath from the Kings fountain in the pump room (a little know secret); and picked up some cheeses, salmon and the makings for mulled wine .
She is the queen of make do and mend, shunning consumerism in favour of making everything her own with a twist of creativity and a love of nature. Whilst the mulled wine was brewing we revamped her chandelier. Spraying it grey in a confined space with candles burning on reflection wasn’t a good idea, but hey.. we survived it. We didn’t quite get to completing it with the strings of collected broken shells but it will look fabulous when done.
The conversation never stopped, from kids to men to life, friends and lots of inspired creativity home ideas . We even made a velvet stole for me to take back. It’s beautiful and totally unique ; just like the darling Sarah.
This is titled ‘I’ve got a loose connection with my bulb’ as it summed us up perfectly over the 24 hours, but was really reference to a temperamental sewing machine while piecing velvet and silk together. Just like me and Sarah.