I believe in Me
People feel a need to create, whether it’s art, gardening, cooking, DIY. “How do you get the confidence to sell myself” is a question I’m often asked. Well, it’s simple… I believe in ME.
That is Being ME, Doing ME and sharing ME. Present and future.
Painting for me personally is a metaphor for living. It’s listening to intuition, your heart, trusting in your ideas and being brave. This is all built on a strong foundation of remembering what excites me, going back to simple things and what and who make my life amazing. This is what gives me confidence and a passion to keep creating an ‘Expression of myself ‘.
I had no idea how to make this painting. I just let it come with a feeling of trust, bravery, excitement and some frustration too. It wasn’t easy, but I always have faith that it will come ok in the end. It’s all part of the journey in art and life.
It’s very easy to be comfortable with what we know. We have an inherent trait to protect, defend and fear the future and what we don’t know. But it’s far more exciting to let things unfold, discover the new, break boundaries, meet new shiny souls and once in a while take a risk. No regrets and all that.