MouthMill Walk in October Sunshine
There is a lot to be discovered around the coastline of Hartland and Clovelly, down to Bude. It really is the untouched rugged part of North Cornwall. Only old tracks exist and there are very few accessible beaches. However the National Trust own a lot of land around the coast which allows access via some beautiful wooded valleys. Of these, Beckswood and Brownsham Wood lead down to remote bouldered beach called ‘Mouthmill’.
In the picture above, we could glimpse the beach below lit in the sunlight. Very steep, but worth the descent down, it was a strenuous walk not helped by the amount of rain we have had lately which made the paths and steps very muddy and steep in places.
Here is a link which describes the walk in more detail. There was no sand on the beach however. It would have to be an extremely low tide to see that. Walk to Mouthmill through Brownsham woods.