Sojourn at Sandymouth

Sandymouth as the name suggests is very sandy!! On a low tide, the beach is expansive, stretching from Warren Gutter all the way down to Bude and beyond.

Looking south from Sandymouth

I was on a mission to collect mussels for supper. I managed to time my walk to the far end of the beach perfectly as the low end of the tide receded past Mussel Rock allowing me to take the best of the mussels. I had to keep one eye on the surf though, as there was quite a wind behind it which every so often sent great surges of water up the beach and around my legs. More than once I could see the waves doubling up which sent me running up the beach to avoid being totally swamped. There was also an overwhelming feeling of vulnerability as I was totally alone; not one other person on the beach. The sea was incredibly loud, as the sound reverberated off the towering cliffs behind me.

Sandymouth cliffs, more reminiscent of New Zealand

When I was about a third of my way back towards the mouth of the beach, I slowed my pace as I realised the tide was not going to catch me out. The sand stretched out before me, completely flat, a beautiful surface to walk on which felt completely effortless as I matched my pace to my breathing and closed my eyes. If you ever get the chance to do it try it. The visual experience is unsurpassed, but by closing your eyes and walking you give your senses up to the sounds and smells of the sea. I arrived back at the stony ridge to leave the beach feeling elated, energised and not really wanted to step out of the moment. But it was certainly a moment to remember and one I am keen to repeat as soon as possible

Sharing the moment with the gulls. The sun was coming through and the wind whipping the top of the surf. Click on any of the photos to get a bigger better image.


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