TEDxExeter - inspiration and the power of ideas


A day of inspirational talks from people who turned their dreams into ideas and made a difference.

Having followed TED on the net for a few years, I was lucky enough to attend this event in Exeter.

Accompanied by my son and his girlfriend, we listening to a day of inspirational talks from people who had turned their dreams into ideas they put into practice. TED is a place of “Ideas which are worth spreading” and the conferences put the power of those ideas out to their audience. What made this event so special was that the curator and force behind TED who made it free to view, Chris Anderson was on the list of speakers.

I have spent the last two days wondering how I can condense a whole day of ideas and what I want to say into a blog post. From my ramblings to my husband the following morning , as I tried to share everything I had heard over tea in bed I quickly realized that it just wasn’t going to happen. So you will all have to wait until I link the videos when they are released. Until then. Check out TED online.

The theme was Sustainability and the interconnected World. The day started off well with the most amazing double rainbow before the heavens opened and we did the right thing by taking an ECO taxi to the Campus

Here are just a few thoughts I took away from the day. There was so much more to each of these but these statements were some of the most memorable. More can be found on this page


Satish Kumar started off the day reminding us that we are a human community and we should all be the change we want to see.

There is a dangerous misconception that we have a choice between ecology and economic development. It comes from the White House, from No.10, from business – that nature and regulations to protect nature are a drag on business. But 100% of our services comes originally from nature – soil, biodiversity, water, resources. Tony Juniper reminded us that we are not outside nature, but in the centre of it and have a responsibility

Peter Cox – We need to reduce methane to even start tackling co2 emissions. ( he could do a great Angelos impression)

Nic Marks with his index of happiness stated that ” I have a dream – the future will not be a nightmare”

Volunteer, learn from the Rob Hopkins the force behind Totnes Transition. Covet less, spend less, give more. Create a world of you and me, not you or me.

Engage collective genius

Anthony Turner used pictures to show emissions. “We live in reality not on solid earth but at the bottom of an ocean of air”

The singing voice can free the human spirit and an open hearted approach will stop violence in its tracks.

We need fair trade in the Congo for the minerals they have which power all our mobile technology and more.

Trust your dreams and carry on.

Lily lapenna got everyone dancing to Jesse J. That young lady oozed so much self belief and confidence,she was truly beautiful.

Chris Anderson, curator of TED ended the day with a look through seven lenses of TED lectures and made his own conclusions. http://www.tedxexeter.com/blog/

I even managed a very quick chat with Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall who was new to TED and the “celebrity” speaker of the day.

Thanks Tom and Stephie for a day I will always remember and hoping it’s repeated next year!!

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