Two paintings sold at exhibition

Wow! Did I get a lovely surprise today….. Two of my paintings at the “An Eye To Cornwall” exhibition have sold, and they are the biggest ones too. I feel mixed emotions. These two paintings were my most recent and I was not really ready to part with them. Having put so much time, energy and emotion into painting them, I was still quite attached to them. In common with many painters, each new painting is always the best!! My one regret is that I didn’t put SAE’s on the back so that purchasers can let me know where the paintings have gone, so if you are reading this and you kindly bought “Dancing Surf on an Incoming Tide” or “The Brilliance of Gorse 2 – Wanson Mouth”, would you please drop me an email or a note to let me know. The purchasers must have been visitors to the area, as the paintings have been taken down and replaced with two others.

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