Reworking an Old Painting

Time for painting has been short of late. Time seems to pass far too quickly. Maybe it has something to do with the shorter days and lack of light, although this may be more of an excuse as I have a daylight bulb to paint by. A while ago I wrote about reworking an old painting “Path to the Coast”

Well here we go again.

This is what it looked like in 2010. It was admired, but didn’t sell. There was something that troubled me about the composition. Some people don’t like roads in the landscape. It interfers with nature, but for me leads somewhere, especially on this north cornish coastline and gives weight to the idea that the road descends down into the depths of the valley. There is a sense of the low sun in September after the harvest

It seems to me two seperate paintings, the foreground with the hedge and road, and then the more distant sea and sky and nothing ties the two together. It could be said that this gives in distance and perspective, but it lacks harmony. So here is version number two.

The hedge has greater depth and much more colour.To harmonise with the pink in the hedge I gave the sky more yellow light with pink tinges towards the horizon Bolder brushstrokes and more weight to the left was given to the cloud forms. The sea was given more depth This stronger light meant that the road needed more definate shadowing. This lifted the whole painting . So now it looks like one painting.

“September Glow, the Road to Coombe Valley”

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