A new collective noun " An embarrassment of Bottles"

During the clear up after a weekend of triple celebrations, my husband announced that we had.. what could only be described as ” an embarrassment of bottles”.

A successful preview to my exhibition, our son coming back from a trip to Mexico and the jubilee celebrations meant that plenty of alcohol and suchlike was consumed over the weekend.

Me and Annie, my right hand lady for the night, providing drinks and support

Ten of the 26 paintings in the exhibition had been sold in the first two days which has been outstanding and boosted my confidence no end. The party started on a lovely balmy evening in the garden with friends. Annie was a star. She mingled with guests and gave tips to the new publicity manager on how best to promote the gallery. Think she should have the job! I have added some images to my Gallery page If you are on facebook take a look at my art page.


Jubilee party 2012 comes indoors

Our son arrived back in Bude with his girlfriend for the Jubilee Street Party, which ended up being a bit of a wash out due to the British weather, but in true british spirit we were undeterred. The generosity of some of our neighbours meant we had a tarpaulin covering one garden with a barbeque and a gazebo in the next one to shelter as many residents as possible from the heavy driving drizzle that was coming off the sea. After a while we drifted into each others homes and inevitably around 30 people to our house until the wee hours of the morning. So a fab weekend and many congratulations to our Queen on her 60 years on the throne. Hip, Hip , Hooray!!

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