Who is Sue Read? Case of mistaken identity

I am Sue Read…. but I am not the only Sue Read. The telephone rang this morning “Hello”. “Are you Sue Read, the artist?”. “Yes” I said. He added, ” I am actually speaking to the artist?”. “Yes”. I am getting quite excited at this point. Whoever is on the other end of the line is quite surprised and in awe!. He continued ” I bought two of your paintings 15 years ago, a bowl of grapes and …” Oh! He’s not really looking for me, because I have never painted a bowl of grapes.

I had a similar phone call about a year ago from a gallery asking me to collect a painting. So the other Sue Read is quite elusive and a bit of a mystery. The gentleman who phoned me this morning said he was told that she was a very fine artist and her work was worth quite a bit, so he must have thought he had hit the jackpot when I answered his call.

My own internet research found that she is a very fine artist indeed, painting still life in watercolour and is a member of the Royal Institute of painters. Perhaps one day I will be as illustrious and the person on the other end of the line won’t be so disappointed.

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